Product Category: RGB Accessories

RGB Accessories such as spacer cables, T-ways and power injector supplies are needed to customize and efficiently run your lighting displays. Please refer to the guidelines described in our “RGB Accessory” and “Power & Data Management” video tutorials, or contact

Essential to maintain the LED data signal for RGB+ cable runs of approximately 20-feet or greater. Sold as a pair, the Sender converts 3-wire light strings to 4-wire for use with 4-wire Extender Cables. The Receiver then converts the 4-wire back to 3-wire for the next power injection or light run.
Long 4-wire spacer cables to extend the data signal. For use only between Data Boosters.
For use between the RGB controller and first light, or for use between light strings or fixtures.
Back feed power to WEC+ or split a light string to run in parallel. Not intended for general inline power injection.
Control Gen1 Minleon Legacy RGB strings with the NDB-Pro.